
How To Grab Skin For Caliper Testing

At the dawn of the wellness club, the scale was introduced as the primary ways of tracking progress.

So, fitness enthusiasts began using a measuring tape to assess inches lost after realizing the scale didn't tell the whole truth.

Later, healthcare professionals started using the body mass index (BMI) as a measurement to assess the risk of chronic illnesses a person may develop depending upon their height and weight.

Finally, after realizing that lean muscle mass can negatively influence the outcomes of all of these tools, skinfold calipers were introduced equally a way to measure success.

This practiced guide will requite you an in-depth outlook on why you should use skinfold calipers, where and how to take measurements, and what your percentage means for your overall wellness.

Why Should You Utilise Skinfold Calipers?

Everyone has different goals, and then the reasons for using a skinfold caliper will vary from person to person with the exception of ane universal wellness component.

Excessive body fat can put y'all at take chances for chronic diseases.ane As mentioned in the introductory portion of this guide, health experts one time used BMI to assess an private'southward susceptibility to developing diseases. However, the BMI calibration isn't ever reliable every bit it is greatly influenced by the weight of an private.

Athletic Male with a lot of Muscle Mass doing barbell deadlift

As I'chiliad sure you're well aware of at this betoken, muscle weighs more than fat. An individual who falls into the overweight (or even obese) nomenclature under the BMI calibration may take more than lean muscle mass and less body fat than a person falling into the normal classification.

On the flip side of that statement, an individual falling into the normal classification of the BMI scale may have an excessively high body fat per centum putting them at greater chance for chronic disease.2

Then, how practice yous find out what your body fat percentage is? While several different tools that can be used to determine body fat, the nearly readily available one that you can use at home is the skinfold caliper.

How to Measure Your Body Fat with Skinfold Calipers

Now that you're familiar with why you lot should utilize a skinfold caliper, permit's move on to how y'all can measure your body fat using 1.

Here's what yous'll need to begin:

  1. Skinfold Caliper
  2. A friend to assist perform the measurements (preferred)
  3. A marker/pen to mark measuring sites
  4. Something to write down and track results (paper, smartphone, etc.)
  5. A basic figurer to determine the medians of each measurement.

Later on y'all've gathered all the necessary items listed, you'll be ready to compression and pull. We'll delve into the specific measuring locations momentarily, but first, let'due south talk over a few pointers to get a clear and accurate torso fatty reading.

This volition be a vii-fold caliper examination and there'll be vii locations that yous'll want to mensurate. At each location, you lot'll want to take iii measurements to average out and ultimately plug into the trunk fat percentage calculation. Prior to taking the iii measurements, you lot should marker the location with a "t", pinching the cross with the caliper to obtain a consistent reading each time.

It'south of import not to pinch too hard as this could disrupt the accuracy of the examination. The caliper is used to determine the skinfold in millimeters. The thickness of the skinfold represents the amount of fat (in millimeters) at that particular location on your torso. Thus, the harder y'all compression, the more biased the consequence will be.

Finally, for the best results, y'all'll want to take the measurements on the aforementioned side of your body and under the aforementioned circumstances for each subsequent examination. The easiest way to manipulate these variables is to have your measurements on the right side of your body and in a fasted land (at the same time) upon waking in the morn.

Where exactly should you pinch? I'm glad you asked.

Where to Take Skinfold Measurements

In the sections beneath, we'll encompass each of the vii measuring site locations on the trunk and how you should fold them when measuring.

Once more, for the most accurate reading, you'll want to mensurate each of the following locations 3 divide times.

i. Chest

To measure the chest, diagonally pinch a fold that is halfway between the armpit and the nipple. For women, yous'll desire to pinch ane/3rd of the fashion between the armpit and nipple. This will permit you lot to pinch far plenty abroad from the chest tissue to become an accurate reading.

The Chest Measurement of the Skinfold Caliper Test

2. Abdominal

The abdominal measurement should exist taken utilizing a vertical fold 2cm to the right of your navel.

The Abdominal Measurement of the Skinfold Caliper Test

three. Suprailiac

The suprailiac measurement should be taken utilizing a diagonal fold at the crest of the hipbone direct beneath the front of the armpit. It is located right higher up the hip os.

The Suprailiac Measurement of the Skinfold Caliper Test

iv. Midaxillary

The midaxillary measurement should be taken with a vertical fold directly beneath the middle of the armpit on the same level equally the breast bone. To hands measure this location, raise your arm over your head while a partner measures the area below the armpit.

The Midaxillary Measurement of the Skinfold Caliper Test

5. Tricep

The tricep measurement is located at the midway point on the back of the upper arm, halfway between the shoulder and elbow. Information technology should be taken with a vertical fold.

The Tricep Measurement of the Skinfold Caliper Test

6. Subscapular

The subscapular measurement should be taken with a diagonal fold. It is located in the scapula region on the behind of your body. For the most accurate reading, the fold should be taken just below the shoulder blade to the side of the spine.

The Subscapular Measurement of the Skinfold Caliper Test

seven. Thigh

The 7th and terminal measurement is at the thigh. To mensurate this location, take a vertical fold halfway betwixt your hipbone and your kneecap.

The Thigh Measurement of the Skinfold Caliper Test

Some boosted variables to consider:

As mentioned before, to get the most accurate readings from this test, y'all'll want to measure the same side of your body under the same circumstances for each examination. As suggested, this is best done in a fasted land upon waking in the forenoon.

However, if this scenario is not viable for you, hither are a few boosted things to consider:

  • Always test before any kind of resistance grooming.
  • Refrain from drinking booze for the 3 days prior to testing.
  • Continue your sugar and supplementation consistent.
  • Don't try to manipulate water intake via dehydration/rehydration.
  • Take tests at the same fourth dimension of twenty-four hour period.
  • Keep caloric/meal intake similar throughout testing days.
  • Do not use creams, lotion, or oils on skin on the day of the test.
  • Mark each measurement location.
  • Take all measurements on the same side of the body.
  • Take 3 measurements for each location while measuring.

Calculating Your Body Fat Percent

Afterwards you've measured all vii locations 3 times and take an boilerplate of each private measurement, you lot're prepare to plug your results into the formulas beneath to make up one's mind your body fat per centum. We'll exist using the Jackson and Pollock 7 site formula for this.

Trunk Fat Adding for Males

Trunk Density = 1.112 – (0.00043499 * sum of skinfolds) + (0.00000055 * square of the sum of skinfold sites) – (0.00028826 * age)

Trunk Fat Percentage = (495 / Torso Density) – 450

Torso Fat Calculation for Females

Body Density = ane.097 – (0.00046971 * sum of skinfolds) + (0.00000056 * square of the sum of skinfold sites) – (0.00012828 * age)

Body Fat Percentage =  (495 / Body Density) – 450

What These Body Fat Percent Numbers Mean

At present that you lot know what your trunk fat percentage is, we can discuss what it means in accordance with your health. The table below demonstrates diverse body fatty percentages and what each means in terms of health and performance.

Category Males (% BF) Females (% BF)
Essential Fat two-5% 10-xiii%
Athlete vi-13% 14-20%
Fitness fourteen-17% 21-24%
Adequate 18-24% 25-31%
Obesity >25% >32%

To break down the chart a little bit, let's hash out what each of the categories means. Essential Fat is extremely low fat and anyone falling into this category is extremely lean (more than than likely for a bodybuilding competition).

The athlete category is a notch above information technology. Those who fall into this category will be mid-season fitness competitors forth with a lot of collegiate and professional sports athletes.

The fettle category all-time serves the everyday fettle enthusiast and off-flavour competitor who tracks his or her macros and hits the gym difficult subsequently work. This is the percentage that nearly pride themselves in falling under when springtime comes and they're hanging out at the beach and/or pool.

The acceptable range is primarily composed of those who do not workout just may practice some sort of weight maintenance on occasion. Those who exercise autumn under this range, merely withal hope to lead a healthier lifestyle should aim to reach the lower pct of this range (i.e. 25% for women and xviii% for men).

The final range represents the obese population. This range is associated with a greater gamble for chronic illness. Yet, if you autumn in this range and wish to atomic number 82 a healthier lifestyle, information technology's not as well belatedly! Fat loss is very much an doable goal.

M&S athlete doing cable rows

Finding Your Lean Body Mass

Equally explained earlier, the measurement of muscle loss or gain is one of the most important uses of torso fat measurements. It is very easy to determine and simply involves finding the weight of the "lean mass" by measuring % body fatty and weight. Since muscle tissue is the component of the lean mass that can change the virtually, changes in the lean body weight are going to exist caused by and large by changes in the weight of the muscles.

To make up one's mind the weight of the lean mass, the person must exist weighed on an accurate scale. This will requite the weight of the lean mass. After a menses of time on a diet and/or exercise program, the measurements are repeated. Any change, up or downwards, of weight obtained for the lean body mass volition represent the corporeality of muscle lost or gained.

Male Instance:

For case, a male person weighing 210 lbs. He measures his % body fatty and finds information technology is thirty%. Multiplying 210 lbs x thirty% gives 63 lbs as the weight of this man's body fatty. Subtracting 63 lbs from 210 lbs shows that his lean mass weights 147 lbs.

Later on a month of regular exercise and a proper diet, his weight has dropped to 195 lbs. and his body fat to 25%. Multiplying 195 lbs. ten 25% gives 49 lbs. as his torso fat weight. Subtracting this from his 195 lb. torso weight shows that his lean mass is 146 lbs.

This shows that he has lost 1 lb. of muscle while losing 14 lbs of fatty, a very skilful issue, and ways that his diet and exercise program is working very well for him.

Reviewing the b​asic calculations above:

Body Weight * Trunk Fat % = Body Fat Weight

Body Weight - Body Fat Weight = Lean Mass Weight

Body fat = 30%, Body weight = 210 lbs
210 lbs. * .thirty = 63 lbs.
210 lbs. – 63 lbs. = 147 lbs. lean mass weight

Body fat = 25%, Body weight = 195 lbs
195 lbs. * .25 = 49 lbs.
195 lbs. – 49 lbs. = 146 lbs. lean mass weight

147 lbs. – 146 lbs. = 1 lb. loss of lean body weight.
63 lbs. – 49 lbs. = 14 lb. loss of body fat.

Female Example:

Another instance could exist a female who weighs 150 lbs. and has 30% body fat. Multiplying her weight by her % body fat volition prove that she has 45 lbs. of body fat. Subtracting this from her 150 lbs. trunk weight shows that her lean mass is 105 lbs.

After a calendar month of a depression-calorie diet, she has lost xx lbs. and is down to 130 lbs. measuring her % torso fat gives 27%. Again multiplying this times her torso weight of 130 lbs. and subtracting the outcome of 35 lbs. from her body weight shows that her lean trunk mass dropped to 95 lbs, a 10 lb. loss from her previous lean mass weight of 105 lbs. Body fat and weight measurements used to compute lean mass weight show that she lost as much musculus tissue every bit fatty and that her weight loss program is not a good ane.

Reviewing the​ bones calculations above:

Body Weight * Trunk Fat % = Body Fat Weight

Trunk Weight - Body Fat Weight = Lean Mass Weight

Body fat = 30%, Body weight = 150 lbs.
150 lbs. * .30 = 45 lbs.
150 lbs. – 45 lbs. = 105 lbs. lean mass weight.

Body fatty = 27%,  Body weight = 130 lbs.
130 lbs. * .27 = 35 lbs.
130 lbs. – 35 lbs. = 95 lbs. lean mass weight.

105 lbs. – 95 lbs. = ten lbs loss of lean body weight.
45 lbs. – 35 lbs. = 10 lbs loss of body fat.

M&S athlete doing lat pulldowns in gym

Finding Your Goal Weight Based on Desired Body Fat %

If you know your present weight and % body fat it is possible to decide what your weight should exist for any % trunk fat. This can be done by unproblematic calculations. Firstly subtract your present % body fat from 100 and divide this by 100 minus the desired % body fatty. Multiply this by the present weight and this will requite you the weight for the desired % torso fat. For case, a female 145 lb. who is at present 32% body fat. She desires to be 21% and wants to know what she would counterbalance if she was 21% body fat. Subtracting 32 from 100 she gets 68. 21 from 100 equals 79. And so, 68 divided by 79 equals 0.86. Multiply 145 lbs. 10 0.86 and this will give her the desired weight of 125 lbs.

She has learned that to reduce her % body fat to 21%, she must lose 20 lbs. Withal, the to a higher place formula merely works if the person reduces in such a way as not to lose muscle tissue. This can exist done through adequate practice and proper nutrition. If the weight is lost primarily through a low calories diet in a brusk period of time then muscle tissue will be lost, every bit well, and the weight for the desired % body fat will be correspondingly less.

Reviewing the basic calculations to a higher place:

Nowadays % Trunk fat = 32%, Desired % Body fat = 21%, Present Weight = 145 lbs.
100 – 32 = 68
100 – 21 = 79
68 / 79 = 0.86
Desired Weight = 145 lbs. * 0.86 = 125 lbs.

Another example of the higher up is a weight trainer who is currently 200 lbs. and is 21% body fatty and wants to get to 5% body fat, how much weight would he have to lose to accomplish this goal?

Present Body fat = 21%, Desired Body fat = 5%, Present Weight 200 lbs.
100 – 21 = 79
100 – 5 = 95
79 / 95 = 0.83
200 lbs. * 0.83 = 166 lbs.
200lbs. – 166 lbs. = 34 lbs.

So to reach a 5% trunk fat he would have to lose 34 lb of body fat and should have a lean torso mass of 166 lbs. Past having his trunk fat done on a regular basis will enable him to see if his dieting to achieve his goal involves the loss of his hard-earned lean body mass (muscle tissue).

M&S athlete Anthony Sampson doing cable crossover in gym.

Where to get from here?

So at that place you go, there's all the information you need to mensurate and monitor your body fat and lean muscle mass. What's there left to practice?

If y'all weren't pleased with where you vicious in the trunk fat categories, then it'due south time to saddle up and get to work my friend. You're in the correct place considering we've got several resources on burning fatty right here on Musculus & Force.

Just remember, it's important to set realistic goals. If yous're trying to burn fat while preserving muscle mass, you need to find a skillful caloric deficit that works for you while balancing your macros to repair, recover, and build muscle later working out.

If you're trying to add lean muscle mass and then you lot have a fuller physique, recall that y'all're guaranteed to add together body fatty while in a caloric surplus. That shouldn't stray y'all away from your goals, but it should encourage you to employ a skinfold caliper and the reference above to maintain a healthy body fat pct.

Finally, if you're happy with where you fell in the categorization, then it's maintenance time! Proceed doing what you're doing, just be sure to revisit periodically to reassess your body fat and see if you're even so falling into your target range.


The skinfold caliper is a great tool to add to your health measuring toolbox. Information technology's perfect for a convenient mode to appraise body fatty at home. Information technology tin can exist used to perform the 7 fold test to give you a decent assessment of your current trunk fatty.

Knowing your body fat can help y'all achieve both your cutting and bulking goals while assuasive y'all to avoid the take a chance of chronic disease and live a healthy overall lifestyle.


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